About Us

"Yes, I'm serious. And don't call me Shirley!" -Leslie Nielsen (Airplane!, 1980)

Adam Brock

Hey, I’m Adam. I am a senior Digital Communications major at LVC and I concentrate in user experience. Throughout the development of Zendo VR, I have been testing its overall functionality and perceived value through usability tests and focus groups. Zendo VR has been an exciting project to work on because I was able to utilize various testing methods which I have learned and practiced throughout my DigiCom career. Though I am passionate about the project, I also enjoy rock climbing, going for hikes and chilling in a banana costume.

Adam has been testing the project with various users to make sure Zendo VR does what we set out to do.

"Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis 'the wise'? It's not a story the Jedi would tell you" - Chancellor Palpatine

Allie Fisher

Hi, I’m Allie. I am also a senior Digital Communications major at LVC and I have a concentration in business technology. While I enjoy studying business, I also really enjoy programming and front-end web development. It was exciting to be able to showcase some of my skills throughout the Zendo VR website using various programming languages. When I am not programming websites and working as an intern at Pipeline Interactive, I am most likely playing with my dachshunds or watching a Star Wars movie.

Allie is the in-house programmer and she has been coding our websites from scratch and setting up the database servers that houses our videos and user data.

"Good design is all about making other designers feel like idiots because that idea wasn’t theirs."
-Frank Chimero

Ben Tanner

I’m Ben, a Digital Communications major at LVC with a concentration in user experience. As the project manager of Zendo VR, I am extremely proud of what my team and I have accomplished in one short year. Throughout the project, I have broadened my skills, not just as a user experience designer, but as a leader as well. While I have a passion for UX design, I also enjoy running on the cross country team at LVC as well as working for Fresh Creative designing websites.

Ben is our project manager and works on the business side of the project. He has been in charge of making sure the team is meeting our goals and contacting various assets for our project to use.

"Observation is a dying art." -Stanley Kubrick

Dakota Lee

Hey, I’m Dakota. I am a Digital Communications senior and I concentrate in videography at LVC. I am very passionate about motion graphics and videography and I currently work for Greenfish Labs as a motion graphics artist. Throughout my career in DigiCom, I have worked on various projects in this field, but creating the 360° videos for Zendo VR has been my favorite. When I am not at Greenfish or making videos for Zendo VR, I am spending time with my adorable 2-year-old son.

Dakota is our video specialist and he has been creating the videos and changing them based off feedback gathered from other team members and the usability tests results.

"I want you to use a better font. Papyrus would be a nice choice!" -Said no designer ever

Lizzie Block

I’m Lizzie Block and I am also a senior Digital Communications major at LVC with a concentration in business technology. I have a passion for graphic design as well as corporate branding and I have been designing the Zendo VR brand throughout the completion of the project. Working on Zendo VR was extremely exciting because it allowed me to showcase my skills as a designer as well as design for a good cause. When I am not making logos and stylizing websites, I am most likely riding my motorcycle, watching Prison Break on Netflix or playing my guitar.

Lizzie has been styling this project along with putting together all the style guides, brands, logos, and color schemes.

"Who was the marketing genius who called them killer whales instead of sea-pandas?" -Anonymous

Jeanette Tropp

Hello, I’m Jeanette, a Digital Communications major at LVC with a concentration in user experience. During the creation of Zendo VR, it was my job to manage social media efforts on various platforms. I created a Facebook page, Instagram and YouTube channel and posted content to gain interest about the project and to create a fan-base before the launch of Zendo VR. I feel that social media is a crucial part in the success of the project and it is something I have a strong passion for. Though managing the social media for Zendo VR is always a blast, you can also find me running cross country or exploring nature with my camera.

Jeanette has been running the social media platforms, organizing campaigns, and contacting distributers. Jeanette has also been in charge of customer relations and making sure all of our users are happy.