You and a group of your friends are out at a house party. Over the past week there have been a handful of strange disappearances of other members of your class. A little bit after 11 o'clock you get into an argument with a few of your buddies and you all storm off. You decide:
Screw you guys, I'm going home.
Let's find a couch and crash.
Actually, you're going about a third of the way home, at which point you decide that maybe this wasn't such a hot idea. But by then it's too late. As panic takes hold, you break into a jog… then a sprint, and then… oh, I won't spoil it for you.
In a horror movie, Independence is one of the deadly sins. Predators always seems to go for the animals that are on the outer edges of the herd, a.k.a. the ones who are are either too slow or too stupid to draw strength from their numbers. Sticking at the party may have saved you.
It's the weekend, finally, and your parents decided to take a romantic cruise for the next few days. With plans of massive parties in your head, you spend Friday night relaxing and watching some TV. At home. Alone. When suddenly you hear a strange noise coming from upstairs in the attic. You:
Curl into a ball on the couch
In horror movies, investigation = mutilation.
It's not the dog, it's not the wind, it's probably the naked man hiding in your closet with razor blades on his fingertips.
You wake up in a room you've never seen before; it's dimly lit but you can make out a note hung on a string in front of your face. You try to stand, but you're strapped to the chair you're sitting on. A Swiss Army knife sits on a table in front of you. The note says “Cut off three fingers if you want to live.†You notice a screen in the corner, a masked man watches you. You:
Ask him “So, like, which attachment do you suggest?â€
Use the pocket knife to try and break free from the chair.
Playing dumb is your best defense. This killer is a Gamesman, he likes to play God. Stupid questions bring him down to your level. Get him flustered enough, he's bound to make a mistake that will allow you to escape.
This killer is a Gamesman. He isn't satisfied with old-fashioned murder. He likes to play games, which unfortunately usually involve you killing your best friend or mutilating yourself. Struggling to escape is playing right into that.
You and a friend decided to go snooping around the abandoned foundry late one night, even after all of the missing children reports coming out from that lovely area. Suddenly in the middle of your exploration, the entrance slams shut and a hulking man with a machete blocks your only exit. You need to fight, what do you grab?
The horror movie defensive weapon of choice, light and deadly.
Unless you're Mr. T, wielding something that heavy is next to impossible.
From around the corner of a sketchy alleyway, late at night, you can faintly hear “You Raise Me Up†by Westlife playing. Perplexed, you investigate and suddenly a rope grabs you by your ankles and hoists you in the air upside down. A man in a brightly colored suit appears singing along, cracks a lame viral Internet joke, and holds a razor blade to your throat. You say:
“That stupid meme hasn't been funny in, like, 2 months.â€
“I don't get it.â€
Unlike most horror movie slasher types, Wisecrackers embrace the world around them - pop culture in particular. Insulting their incessant references is essentially a death sentence.
The four magic words against a Wisecracker like this. They crack jokes to cover up their own insecurities which led them to killing in the first place. Not understanding one of their many jokes is basically their kryptonite.
It's the first summer vacation since you and your friends have finally received your driver's licenses. Like any normal teenager, you decide to take a road trip from your generic midwestern suburb out to the west coast beaches. After a few hours of driving, one of your friends insists they know a shortcut, you say:
“Nah, let's just keep on Google Maps.â€
“Hell yeah! That's, like, 20 more minutes at the beach!â€
If a Google car can take this path and survive, I'm sure you can too.
This is going to lead you to some eerily quiet town that's not on any map. Then something goes wrong with the car's engine. Finally you have to be “rescued†by someone who promptly butchers you, wraps you in plastic, and stores you in their roadside diner's walk=in freezer.
In the last few weeks of school, your friends are starting to plan your activities for the upcoming summer vacation. You're friends have come to the consensus of spending a few weeks at Billy's creepy uncle's dilapidated cabin deep in the woods. You decide to:
Go with your friends.
Stay at home.
Cabins are the bug zappers of the horror movie universe - a place where the more gullible of our species are weeded out in one gruesome instant. The rule is simple: if you enter a cabin - any cabin, anywhere in the world - you will be dead within 24 hours.
While there are plenty of summer activities you shouldn't do in a horror movie, don't think you're going to be condemned to Friends reruns. Go fall in love with your neighbor, go on some life-affirming quest, play basketball. Anything. At least you'll be alive at the end.
One day in the mail you receive an anonymous letter with “I know what you did last summer†scrawled out on a grimy piece of paper. After a brief bit of thinking, you happen to remember that manslaughter you covered up last summer. You know, nothing big. You decide to:
Fess up
You can't run away from your past. At least not in a horror movie.
Admit to the crime, and do the time. Yes, being in a prison movie isn't roses, but it beats the hell out of being a victim in a horror movie.
Like any savvy teenage entrepreneur, you decide to spend some of your weeknights babysitting. One day, however, the odd family from the end of the lane requests your services for the night. Everything is fine until one of the windows begins rattling uncontrollably. You decide to be:
You decide to check it out, despite the fact that you swear you remember closing it. Now all of the furniture is missing from the living room, the children are missing, and it looks like you're probably next.
You set fire to the house, abandon the kids, and run home screaming. Yes, you're a failure of a babysitter, but hey, you survived at least.
You're spending a nice relaxing evening at home, feet up on the coffee table, warm mug of cocoa, watching a movie, when suddenly the gates of Hell open up through your television set and you begin getting sucked in. You:
Crash through the nearest window.
Navigate your way upstairs.
Okay, so, a golden rule. Inside a haunted house, moving along the Y axis gets you killed. If you're upstairs, don't go downstairs. If you're downstairs, don't go upstairs. Zigzag to your heart's content. Run around in circles. Whatever you do, maintain altitude. The pits of Hell can still move upstairs.
Inside a haunted house, moving along the Y axis gets you killed. You'll probably get hurt jumping through the window, but cuts and bruises are better than having your soul sucked into purgatory.
You and your family are sat at the table enjoying a lovely meal in your brand-new home that totally wasn't built upon some ancient Native American burying ground. When suddenly the lights cut off, your family are whisked off into different rooms and you're dragged up the wall by some unseen force. You:
Sing Lionel Ritchie.
Acrobat your way to the Chandelier for balance.
Sing “Dancing on the Ceiling†and act like you're having the time of your life. Angry, the house will vomit you out the front door.
Okay, now you're just asking to be electrocuted.
As you make your way home from the bar late one night, you happen to notice that there is a distinct lack of cars lining the roads. You get to the corner of your street and you hear a familiar engine starting up from behind you. Your turn around to see your 2005 Dodge pickup barreling towards you, no one in the driver's seat, the headlights blood red with vehicular fury. You run for:
The nearby lake.
The closest radio tower.
A pickup truck can do a lot of things, but swimming isn't one of them. If there's a lake, river, or ocean anywhere in sight, get wet.
While high ground is usually key in vehicular horror situations, these are too flimsy. Especially if your attacker is an evil truck.
After a few years of dating, you and your significant other finally decide to move into an apartment together. Things are going great, you're the happiest you've ever been, when one day your favorite stuffed animal from your childhood shows up in your kitchen one night wielding a large knife and claims that all of your love should be for him. You:
Set the kitchen on fire.
Kick the crap out of it.
Killer dolls have the gift of stealth and trickery – they're small and agile. They'll find a way out of even a burning kitchen. Don't resort to any fancy tactics here. Dolls aren't very strong.
Even if you're 12 years old, you're probably five to seven times larger than your attacker. Why are you running away from something that can be imprisoned with Legos? Crack your knuckles, step in the ring, and take your yarn-haired nemesis for a stroll down Pain Lane.
You wake up in the early hours of the morning and are quickly confronted with the problem of a full bladder. You stumble to the bathroom and realize that the shower is running. You turn it off and walk to the toilet when suddenly the words “GET OUT†are written on the steamy mirror. You:
Look for a cheap apartment.
Write “Wanna get dinner?â€
This ghost cannot bear other people getting on with their lives now that they're dead. They are attention whores. Chances are if you move, they're going to move right along with you.
They tell you to get out, but for attention whore ghosts, it's the last thing they really want. If you left, they'd be short another person to haunt. Sit them down, tell them you'd like to be friends, so long as they stop the moaning and chain rattling.
You're in bed watching a some late night television when out of nowhere a ghostly apparition takes control of your television set. The apparition asks to you dig up a old box from your backyard which contains a letter and deliver the letter to the apparitions long-lost son living on the other side of the country by hand. You:
Blow him off.
This ghost is nothing more than a charity case. They died leaving some unfinished business behind. Unfortunately that is now your problem. However, if you follow along they'll be friendly.
All you're doing is turning some simple charity case ghost into an asshole ghost. You were their last hope in trusting the living and now you've doomed us all to this ghost's wrath. Thanks.
After a lovely weekend spent camping, you finally hop back in the SUV and begin making your way back to civilization. As you reach about a mile out of town your car runs out of gas. Further down the road you spot a haphazard crowd milling about in the street. You come to a stop and hear the stereotypical groans of the undead. You:
Hide in the woods.
Run like the wind.
This is no time for cowardice! Zombies run in hoards, it's going to be difficult finding a location where one won't eventually find you.
Humans can walk at a good clip. Zombie use tortoises as skateboards. You can run faster than a slow shuffle. Use that to your advantage.
You're making your way home from a late night class one night when you feel a presence behind you. You turn around to find a bat hastily flying toward you. After you turn and run, the bat flies in front of you and transforms into a tall pale man with razor sharp fangs. You need to run, you move towards:
The gun store.
The church.
While in the case of a zombie hoard this is correct, when fighting off something immortal, the risk of the shop not having silver bullets is far too high.
Churches are essentially torture chambers for vampires. Crucifixes all over the place, and holy water which is like battery acid to bloodsuckers.
An important emergency news broadcast airs right in the middle of your favorite movie. The president stands at a podium frantically announcing that extraterrestrials have arrived to take over the planet. You need to move to a remote location, you move to:
A bunker in a cornfield.
A cave.
Cornfields are the most common terrain markers or staging areas for alien invasions. They will find you here.
There's a reason we lived in them for thousands of years. They're easy to heat , they protect you from the elements, and they keep you well hidden.
You are jostled awake late one night by your significant other who motions towards the corner of the room where you see your daughter having a exciting conversation with the static on the television. You:
Tell your daughter to go back to bed.
Smash the television to pieces.
Chances are this TV person is merely a lost soul who is trying to finish some unsolved business or simply looking for a friend. These spirits can be educational and nurturing. Let it go until it starts to hurt your kid.
This TV person might just be looking for a friend in your daughter. Now you went and pissed it off. Have fun.
As the new captain of the United State's most high tech deep space station, you've never been prouder. You and your crew have explored over twenty previously unexplored planets. After departing the most recent planet, you call down to the lower levels of the station and receive no response. You:
Go to fix the Comm System.
Run to the escape pods.
The Comm System is working just fine. Your crew isn't responding due to the fact that they're currently being digested. Unfortunately for you, you're looking like a mighty fine piece of dessert.
Accept it. Your crew is alien food by now. Make sure you hit the self-destruct protocol button before you leave.
Fat Guy
You know the one. The stereotypical gamer or dopey suburban cop constantly seen munching down on something. Chances are you tried to pull some sort of mid-movie heroics and sacrificed yourself for the main cast and you'll be remembered dearly. Or maybe you were just a bit too slow.
Awkward, lonely, and probably nothing more than comedic relief. Too far? Unfortunately not. The one thing you've got going for you is that you're oddly lovable and the audience is looking out for you. However, your lack of social and athletic skills are going to be your downfall. Who knew hiding in your room would be so unhealthy?
Heroin Addict
The stereotypical junkie. You dress in rags, smell bad, and have a pretty pissy attitude all the time. You're one saving grace is that many audiences love a charity case. Not to mention all that running from the cops has made you pretty athletic. Unfortunately there's a big chance you'll get caught trying to shoot up one more time. Drugs kill, kids.
Slutty Goth Girl
You're crude, you're rude, and the majority of the audience probably has a general distaste for you. Luckily you're tragic past will grant you some pity points. Chances are you love horror movies and have the know-how of what to do and not to do which will drastically increase your chances of survival.
Even in horror movies there has to be at least one lucky person to make it to the end credits. You just happen to be that person. You've got the luck, wit, and general charm to work your way around any and all of the major horror movie obstacles and gain the love of the audience. Congrats!