Work and Skills Showreel - Fall 2021


This video was made using Adobe Premeire Pro and Adobe After Effects. This video was made for a Motion Graphics class project.


Video Editing

Motion Graphics



This was the final project in my Motion Graphics class with Professor Mathew Samuel. We had to make a video showing employers what we can do and offer. Since I am an Interaction & Experience Designer, I have experience in a lot of areas. So I made a video combining still images and videos of my work, and videos of me showcasing my skills and experience. I must give video credits to Bri Eberly who recorded me showing some of my skills in the video.

I gathered all the videos and pictures I chose to showcase into a folder. Then I picked some music and a background that had some movement, but not too much to be distracting to the viewer. Then I went to work on the first 10 seconds, which was all motion graphics. Then I placed all my work in the video and added fade-ins and fade-outs. I added my logo to the end of the video to have my branding in the video.

While I like the final outcome, something I would do differently, is allow the work to be shown longer. It goes by much quicker than I anticpated. I would also pick different music. I liked the genre, but I would choose a different song.

Final Product