Hello. My name is
Alexa Bash

And I am a Digital Graphic Designer

The design concentration has taught me to become comfortable within multiple programs, such as Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign. It allows me to create digital content that expresses my creativity which is applied to every project differently.
Stem + Arts
La Vie
Personal Logo
Stem + Arts Freelance
La Vie Layout
3 Piece Narrative
The programming concentration has allowed me to develop skills with HTML, CSS, Java, JQuery, and databases. The skills tied with web markup have helped me successfully build functional websites, including this portfolio.
Horror Quiz
Restaurant Database

Surviving a Horror Movie Quiz
Restaurant Database
Communications concentration has pushed me to create stories that engage a specific audience. The storytelling skills have been used through writing, podcasts, and video that help deliver messages for marketing, advertising, and journalism.
Alumni Report

Alumni Report
Business Technology
Business Technology has helped me establish an entrepreneurial and business mind by understanding how technology is used within a company. With that understanding, I've been able to write reports that focus on building a successful company, knowing the risk and competition ahead.
Chow Report
Fastformz Report

Chow Final Report
Fastformz Final Report
User Experience
User Experience (UX) is focused around the users. By observing and researching to designing prototypes, such as a website or a physical object, I've been able to create things that feasible and more efficient for the user.
Access LVC
Journal Post

Usability Test Report
Usability Journal
The videography concentration has taught me how to plan and storyboard, how to shoot video, and how to edit within post-production to deliver pieces that engage an audience about a specific message.
For the Love of Dog

Marketing Video
What is DigiCom?

The digital communications program at Lebanon Valley College has combined the variety of skills of design, communications, programming, business technology, user experience, and videography and integrates them together. With the large range of knowledge, I can apply my skills to multiple areas of work. Human Centered Design (HCD) is a critical understanding within digital communications, which has taught me that every project starts with meeting the needs and desires of the users. Digicom has prepared me with knowledge and multiple skill sets to ensure success throughout my career.

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